1 year ago i bought a Raspberry Pi 2 at only 35€ more or less.
I installed OSMC and in 15 minutes all was working good.
Everything i was looking for it's on forums and blogs on internet.
I spent some days to understand what to install and how to obtain the best from my Raspberry, but now i have my amazing mediacenter always connected to my TV and i use it almost everyday, without any problem.
I added RetroPie to OSMC so i can play retrogames with my kids thanks to 2 wireless gamepads, and i installed a torrent client too and some other stuff so my raspberry now is also a download server for movies, TV series and music.
I never faced the problem you mention, and everyday i think that buy that Raspberry has been the best idea i had.
This is the first complain i've ever read about Raspberry and OSMC.