# This file test the combining of multiple consecuative "+" and "-" symbols. # verbose: plus-minus # This particular version of this file is meant to test things that people # might actually type, in particular with commas, and ensure that Sarcasm # interprets these things correctly. This is particularly important since # Sarcasm will ignore commas, and so it must interpret things as if it didn't. # Because of the comma requirement, this file is intended to list things only # a sane person would type, not insane stuff like "bytes 1,- 2" which deserves # to be misinterpreted if you ask me. # To aid interpretation of the results, things are numbered in sequence, a # new sequence indicating the beginning of a new entity. ...if you know # what I mean. If not, then, well... # If anyone can replace this file with something that provably contains # every possibile piece of sanity, I'd love to have a copy of it. bytes 1, +1, -1, 1+2, -1+2, -1 + 2, -1 + -2, -1+-2 bytes one, +one, -one, one+two, -one+two, -one + two, -one + -two, -one+-two bytes 1,+1,-1,1+2,-1+2,-1 + 2,-1 + -2,-1+-2 bytes one,+one,-one,one+two,-one+two,-one + two,-one + -two,-one+-two